When I add pictures from my computer, I can upload it and image appears after that, but after I click the button done nothing appears on my post page.
Why is this?
Its been days that I cannot post pictures on my blog. That's why I decided to post this question to solicit some answers and hoping someone can help me. At the same time I am searching the world wide web to look for the answer to this problem. But it seems I am the only one having this problem and no one have experience this before. Though I read similar queries from the forums I have visited, no replies has been posted so far. As Sherwin of Mokong (Anu'ng Nasa Isip ko) blog suggested, I checked the setting preferences and looked for the clue that might help me find the answer. After few times manipulating and clicking, answer was nowhere to find, lol (thanks anyway tol)
Then I resorted to finding the answer on my own. I checked if I have exceeded the alloted amount of pictures to be posted. The photos that are uploaded through blogger get stored in the picasa web albums. I am using the Picasa web album to store my pictures and little did I knew that it filled up space too. I have so far occupied 33% of the alloted space and 75% of this for my stored pictures. I decided to delete all the pictures I have stored instead of the option to upgrade my quota storage, so it now reduce to 12% . But this also did not solve my problem. I still cannot post pictures after few tries with time interval.
My last resort was to reset the template and be prepared for the consequences of redoing all the items I have modified. Obviously it worked. Now I can post pictures once again.
Up to now, I don't have a clue what was the cause of the problem. Can someone speak up or forever I will be in dumb amazement.