
Fatahillah Square Jakarta

One of the places I have visited when I went to Jakarta is the Fatahillah Square in Old Batavia, formerly the center of trade and business activities during the Dutch colonial era. The Kota district as known today has significant number of grand colonial buildings, many are abandoned or dilapidated but still standing. Those buildings that has been restored and few turned into museums.

The Fatahillah Square which was the old town square, has undergone restoration from the buildings down to the pavement. The place is popular to locals than tourists. The time I was there, there were a lot of locals hanging around, mostly teenagers. In the center of the square is a fountain. And to the left side of the Fatahillah Museum building if you are facing to it, is a Portuguese cannon, believed to be a font of fertility, touch it and surely you will get pregnant. I noticed some ladies touching the cannon that day.

Fatahillah Museum

The Fatahillah Museum, also known as Jakarta History Museum, is originally called the Stadhuis. This building was the administrative headquarters of the Dutch East India Company, and later of the Dutch government. The museum was close when I was there so I was not able to check what's inside. I was disappointed because I was interested and curious to checked the notorious dungeons and filthy water prisons the building is famous for.

Wayang Museum

The Wayang Museum is close too and I understand it was undergoing renovation. Wayang is a theatrical performance employing puppets or human dancer. The museum contains collections of wayang from various territories in Indonesia and even from other countries.

Cafe Batavia

There is one upscale restaurant within the square, the Cafe Batavia, housed in one of the historic buildings and restored to its early nineteenth century style. The ground floor features a lounge with sofas, a bar and a stage for live music entertainment. It was jazz they were playing when I was there. I did not climbed up to second floor where the famous Winston Churchill bar, "the world's best bar" by Newsweek in 1996 is situated. One distinctive feature of the restaurant is framed photographs and paintings adorns the walls, which all belong to the owner of the cafe. Vintage photographs of celebrities and royals are all over looking down to you.

Interior of the restaurant

Post Office Building

Other buildings within the square